Distant Healing
Distant healing, also known as remote or absent healing, is when energy is sent to you without the healer physically present. Energy can be sent through time and space. Different energy healing modalities focus on different functions of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. In general, the healer feels for energetic disruptions and imbalances within the five subtle bodies and chakra system and clears them restoring balance and vitality. Energy can also be sent to a relationship, situation or circumstance. I offer three different modalities in distant healing Usui Reiki Ryoho, Karuna Reiki® and Magnified Healing®.
Usui Reiki Distant Healing
Good for reducing stress in the body which supports and boosts the immune system, Usui Reiki clears and balances the five subtle bodies aiding in emotional, physical, spiritual and mental wellbeing.
Karuna Reiki® Distant Healing
Karuna Reiki®‘s energy breaks up patterns of addition, abuse issues, trauma, bad habits and karma and fills the absence with love. It helps heal or facilitate allergies, anxiety, negative behavior, chakra balancing, chemotherapy, developing healthy habits, karmic issues, mental focus and grounding, physical injuries-emergencies, resistance to healing, and spiritual growth.
Magnified Healing® Distant Healing
Magnified Healing®‘s energy flows through the body and releases misqualified energies, imbalances and limitations and that are then transmuted. Magnified Healing® is a high frequency vibration, light healing that focuses on the energy of the heart, unconditional love. It is used for distant healing, healing karma, activating all the strands of DNA in the body. It heals the physical, emotional, mental, etheric and spiritual at all levels. Light healing heals all systems of the body, physical, respiratory, endocrine, muscular, lymphatic, etc.
Process for Distant Healing
We must have a conversation about what ails you by email, text or phone. I can make a recommendation for what energy work is best for you. You may be asking for healing for a family member or friend, it is very important to have the person’s consent unless they are unable to give permission. Upon receipt of payment, I will request specific details about you or the healee. It helps to have a photograph but not required. We will set up a time for the session. During the session it is important to be open to receive the energy. You can send a message through my Facebook page or email, the links are below. Be sure to like my page for updates and specials.